Summer Flow & Restore Yoga
From Wednesday 31st July, 6.00–7.00pm (5 sessions)
Further information for this class/course/event
A balanced Yoga practice to support the business of day to day living. We live in a high paced and goal-oriented society and sometimes it can be challenging to find balance in our lives and switch from doing to slowing down and resting. The class is perfect to unravel from the stress and activity of your day. Gentle, breath focused flowing sequences spiral through the body's full range of motion to release physical tension and cultivate space, ease and clarity, before softening into calming restorative and yin releases and blissful relaxation. Relaxed and replenished, you will leave off the mat ready for the rest of the week ahead and for a peaceful night's rest. Held in a close and intimate group with a maximum capacity of 5-6 people, the class is welcoming and inclusive, and beginner friendly or for more experienced students. Sara is a inclusive yoga teacher and she knows the importance of creating a friendly an safe environment into her classes. She also acknowledged that we are all different and this might means different things to each individual, therefore she encourages a non-judgmental relationship with her students. If you are not sure if this class is for you due to injury or another underlying circumstance, please contact Sara. Sara's mission is to guide students on a healing journey from the inside out by incorporating mindfulness and accessible, inclusive yoga in her classes. She aims to inspire and support people in connecting with their bodies, fostering acceptance, easing physical and emotional tension, and enhancing overall mental and physical health. Sara is dedicated to helping individuals live holistic, happier lives despite life's challenges, promoting greater wellbeing, kindness, and resilience. With a particular interest in working with people suffering from pain, chronic illness, or those seeking life balance, Sara brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her practices. Yoga mats and props are available but you can bring your own.