Usui Reiki 1st Degree
Saturday 10th February 2024, 10am–4pm
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Learn the ancient energy healing system of Usui Reiki – a powerful practice which balances mind and body energy systems, for self-care, health and wellbeing Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of energy healing which allows the practitioner to act as a channel for the flow of universal energy. It can be learned/received by anyone, with no previous experience. Many have found that attuning to Reiki brings about profound positive lifestyle changes, and increased feelings of well being. Students of Reiki often find themselves naturally ‘drawn’ to the principles of energy healing. There are three levels of Reiki training and attunement. Level 1 introduces Reiki and enables the student to use this energy for self healing. Regular self treatment at level 1 clears away energetic blocks and old patterns of functioning which no longer serve us, sometimes in preparation for Level 2 which enables us to become Reiki practitioners for others. Level 3 is the Master teaching level. Reiki Usui Level 1 includes: • History of Reiki • The Reiki Ideals • Chakras and the human energy systems • Reiki 1 attunement • Practice treatment • Self treatment • Creating a healing space • Reiki and animals • Caution, confidentiality and ethics Reiki was originally an oral tradition and the fidelity of passing on of Reiki teaching is sacredly held. Reiki Masters can trace their teaching lineage directly back to Dr Usui. Reiki Master Jules is 10th degree attuned from Dr Usui and Reiki Master. Jules is a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Energy Psychotherapist and Intuitive Energy Healer. For more information, or to book: contact@centre-healing.co.uk